History of the Mt. Adams Yacht Club
During the winter of 2002-2003 three Mt. Adams friends, Richard Boyd, Chuck Curran and Cliff Wahl would frequently get together at local watering holes. During the previous winter they had helped Chuck with the purchase of his first boat. Both Richard and Cliff were experienced boaters but, now that a boat had been purchased, discussions ensued about the novelty of a yacht club on “The Hill” over looking the Ohio River.
Many meetings occurred and Articles of Incorporation were drawn and filed with the State of Ohio. On the first of June 2003, the Mt. Adams Yacht Club was officially formed and had it first annual meeting. At that meeting Richard Boyd was elected Commodore, Chuck Curran was elected Vice Commodore, John McCall Rear Commodore, Janet Crawford was named Steward, Kim Purnell was named Social Director and Lee Rasmussen was named Purser and other offices were filled. There were forty-four Charter Members.
The Club was able to negotiate discount benefits at businesses on “The Hill” as well as reciprocal arrangements for its members through its membership in Yachting Club of America.
Membership is capped at 200 members. Celebrating its anniversary in June with an Ohio River dinner cruise, it currently has monthly socials for its members to enjoy the friendships that have developed through the Club.
The Yacht Club’s burgee was designed by one of its Charter Members, Bill Sontag. It shows a boat going over a mountain with three stars above it to represent the three founders R. Boyd, C. Curran and C. Wahl . A cleat located in the Hill St. garden, donated by Alan Bernstein of B&B Riverboats, commemorates the Club and its founders.
Mt. Adams Yacht Club Today
The Mt. Adams Yacht Club Clubhouse is currently located at Chapter – 940 Pavilion St. in Mt. Adams. This Clubhouse features burgees of other Yacht Clubs from around the country and the Caribbean, collected by its diverse membership over the years from the U.S. and all over the world.
The Mt. Adams Yacht Club current Officers are: Dave Zimmerman, Commodore; Julie Dietz, Vice Commodore; Ron Mercurio, Rear Commodores; Jay Mason, Steward; and Rod Sommer, Purser. In addition, the Executive Committee consists of Bruce Ford, Chaplain; Kurt Meier, Legal Advisor; Linda McClellan, Member-at-Large; Maureen Webb, Commodore Emeritus, Beau Tuke, Commodore Emeritus; and Richard Boyd, Commodore Emeritus. Chuck Curran is the Club’s current Dockmaster. And, our respects go to our late Commodore Emeritus, Jim McCarty.
The annual meeting is held in the month of November each year at the Clubhouse.